Reviews All type UNIQUE

How It Works

Choose Package and Place Your Order:
Choose a service available on our service page, and place your order. Simply click “Order Now”, enter the link to the order page (additional required information) that you would like to build likes/followers to, and continue to check out. We accept PayPal/MasterCard/Credit Card/Debit Card/Visa Card as our primary form of payment.

After Successful Payment:
After you have made a payment, you will end up back at our order completion page. You should receive a copy of your paid invoice shortly with details of your order. If you see our order completion page, that means we have received your order and will send you an email shortly to the email address that you specified upon ordering.

Wait for your order confirmation in your inbox:
Once we have reviewed your order, we will send you an order confirmation that your likes are on the way. This typically takes anywhere from 6 to 12 hours. If there is nothing wrong with your order, you will receive your order confirmation with your anticipated delivery date and a receipt of your purchase. Now it’s time to sit back and relax.

Be patient, our packages have a 1 day minimum delivery time. Each of our packages has a minimum 2-3 day delivery time, which means you may not start getting likes right away. Be patient! If you still don’t have any likes by your anticipated delivery date, then we recommend emailing our support team through our contact page. Otherwise, we are still working on your order.

Order Completion and Delivery Confirmation:
Once your order has gone through our queue, and once we have added your likes or followers successfully, we will send you a delivery confirmation stating that we have completed our work on your page.